1. From JUDY’S ART, choose
the artwork that you are interested in purchasing.
2. E-mail to ask any questions you might have, like framed size, image size, etc.
Also, ask for an estimate of the shipping costs.
Please note: for delivery to addresses within the Regional District of West Kootenay, British Columbia, delivery is included in the price.
You can also arrange to pick up the artwork in New Denver or Nelson, BC.
3. Payment can be made immediately, or when the piece is delivered to you. E-transfers, cheques, or cash are acceptable.
Thank you for supporting the Judy Wapp Art Fellowship Award!
1. ‘Handicapper’
2. ‘Blue Notes’
4. ‘Karmic Noodge’
5. ‘Now What?’
6. ‘Game Co-ordinates’
9. ‘Family Circle’
10. ‘History Test’
13. ‘God Bless America’
16. ‘Fame Flower’
18. ‘Habitat’
20. ‘Cautionary Tales’
21. ‘Differential Equation’
24. ‘Conquest’
26. ‘Management Training’
27. ‘Padre Padrone’
28. ‘Pattern Language’
29. ‘Handed Down’
30. ‘Tie-In’
31. ‘Enigma (Retrospection)’
32. ‘Resonance’
33. ‘Untitled (Can A Dead World)’
34. ‘Waterlines’
36. ‘Past Lives’
37. ‘Heartland’
38. ‘The Critical Interval’
40. ‘Gamekeeper II’
42. ‘How to Prepare for Wash Day’
43. ‘New’
44. ‘Vision Quest’
45. ‘Compelling Reasons’
48. ‘Open For Business’
50. ‘Time Exposure’
52. ‘Settlers’
53. ‘Triplicity’
‘54. ‘Growth Company’
56. ‘Connection’
57. ‘Bound’
58. ‘Neuro Site’
59. ‘Question Authority’
60. ‘Planet of the Apes’
61. ‘Gamekeeper 1’
65. ‘Winnings’
67. ‘Elemental’
70. ‘(Exiting) The Art Scene’
78. ‘Brush with Fame’
82. ‘Ibiza 1962’
85. ‘Back to the Land’
89. ‘Shipping Out’
91. ‘Untitled (Raiding the Fridge)’
92. ‘Codification’
93. ‘On View’
94. ‘Dr. Know’
95. ‘The Handgun’
96. ‘Things to Come’
97. ‘Cousins Contained’
98. ‘Future Tense’
99. ‘Outside the Garden’
100. ‘Entrance’
102. ‘Exotic Monopoly’
103. ‘Kings’
104. ‘Memory Scape’